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Scripture Callisto Dialogues
Founder Callisto
Origin April 20, 2013
Ministers Callistostarian scribes

Callistostarianism is a philosophy and way of life based on the teachings of Callisto. The keepers of his teachings are known as Callistostarian scribes. Callisto is also observed by other students of his teachings.

Callisto, the namesake of these teachings, visits TeamSpeak servers such as Sapphire's TeamSpeak and enlightens his audiences. He is usually found speaking with his majestic, angelic music in the background that may achieve different "ranges", meaning he can alternate voice pitch and background music.

Teachings of Callisto

2013 Teachings

  • Callisto is Callisto
  • Callisto is made of Callisto

2014 Teachings

Biographical facts:

  • Callisto can go to different "ranges" meaning He can change voice pitch and background music.
  • Callisto is Caucasian. His height is somewhere between 5'11 and 6'0. He was born in Washington state, lives in Kentucky and is a senior in high school. He is also heterosexual. His name is inspired by Baldassare Castiglione.
  • Callisto has encountered THC and does every Callistover.
  • Callisto can bench 120+ and 90-100 on incline; he enjoys weightlifting.
  • Callisto has this very page bookmarked.
  • Callisto (material) is stronger than steel.

Philosophical ideas:

  • "Life has no answer. You have to find your own."
  • Callisto is highly aware of the faulty school system, especially in Kentucky. He claims that mostly only farming occurs there.
  • "Implying implications."
  • "I don't really like Ventrilo or Mumble."
  • "Humility is not to be confused with truth."

Callisto Dialogues (2013)

See Callisto Dialogues for full transcription.