
From Sapphire Wiki

local p = {}

-- Ripped from Module:Infobox. TODO: Make a utility module that can do this kind of thing local function getArgNums(args, prefix)

   -- Returns a table containing the numbers of the arguments that exist
   -- for the specified prefix. For example, if the prefix was 'data', and
   -- 'data1', 'data2', and 'data5' exist, it would return {1, 2, 5}.
   local nums = {}
   for k, v in pairs(args) do
       local num = tostring(k):match('^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)$')
       if num then table.insert(nums, tonumber(num)) end
   return nums


function p.main(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args

local out = [=[ Singles from ]=] .. (args.Name or '{{{Name}}}') .. [=[ ]=]

local nums = getArgNums(args, '[Ss]ingle ') for _, num in pairs(nums) do out = out .. '\n# "' .. (args['Single ' .. num] or args['single ' .. num]) .. '"' local date = args['Single ' .. num .. ' date'] or args['single ' .. num .. ' date'] if date then out = out .. '
Released: ' .. date end out = out .. '
' end

out = out .. [=[ ]=] return out end return p