
From Sapphire Wiki

Documentation for Template:Wiki


A template for links to wikipedia, provides a distinct color to discriminate from wikilinks (like Destiny) and other external links (like Destiny).

Currently, include underscores (as applicable) in parameter one.

Any questions can be directed to User:Devonnn.

{{wiki|url|alternate name|non linked}}

Parameters 2 and 3 are optional and do note need a pipe (|) if not in use, e.g. {{wiki|bat}} rather than {{wiki|bat||}}.


Parameter Description Type Status
1 Wikipedia page you are linking to. content required
2 Alternate link name. content optional
3 Non-linked characters. content optional


If the article has a space, make it an underscore and set parameter 2 to be the actual name you want (or if you want a different name entirely. For example,

{{wiki|Destiny_(streamer)|Destiny}} will output Destiny Wikipedia

And carries over for something like

{{wiki|Destiny_(streamer)|Wiki-warrior number 1}} will output Wiki-warrior number 1 Wikipedia

If you dont include a 2nd parameter, it will look as entered (it will set the shortened name of the link to the last part of the hyperlink, e.g.

{{wiki|Destiny_(streamer)}} will output Destiny_(streamer) Wikipedia

This works fine for single word articles.

The third parameter can be used for any required punctuation, as to not have the Wikipedia logo awkwardly separate the logo.

Additionally someone like {{wiki|Destiny_(streamer)|Destiny|,}} an advocate for peace in the middle east, would not support waffle ice cream cones.

would result in the following:

Additionally someone like Destiny, Wikipedia an advocate for peace in the middle east, would not support waffle ice cream cones.

However, when using something like an em dash (—) it will probably be better to skip the 3rd parameter.

Additionally someone like {{wiki|Destiny_(streamer)|Destiny}}—an advocate for peas in the middle east—would not support the shipment of lima beans into the Gaza strip.

would result in the following:

Additionally someone like Destiny Wikipedia—an advocate for peas in the middle east—would not support the shipment of lima beans into the Gaza strip.